Dr. Teresa Washut Heck, EdD. CEO of TWH Co-Teaching/Consulting; Director of The Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration and a Professor Emeriti at St. Cloud State University, MN (SCSU). Upon arriving at SCSU, Dr. Heck served as the Director of the Office of Clinical Experiences, placing over 500 teacher candidates each year and assuming the responsibility for the placement of an additional 1,000 field experience placements per semester. While director of the OCE, Dr. Heck developed a pilot model of co-teaching in student teaching. The qualitative data collected on the project showed overwhelming support from cooperating teachers. The initial findings provided the impetus to further investigate the implications of a co-teaching model of student teaching, eventually leading to a U.S. Department of Education, $5 million, Teacher Quality Enhancement Partnership Grant to study the impact of co-teaching on teacher candidates and the P-12 students they serve. Dr. Heck served as the Coordinator of Co-Teaching for the grant from 2003-2010.
Dr. Heck has consulted with school professionals, university faculty, and multiple state departments of education to develop and implement co-teaching. Dr. Heck has published and presented on using a co-teaching model for student teaching, co-teaching between two licensed teachers, professional development for teacher candidates, and using technology in student teaching evaluations. She has experience as a K-12 educator and draws on that knowledge to bring the perspective of secondary teachers and students. At the university level, she has experience co-teaching, in collaborative ventures, and excels at bridging the gap between the university and P-12 community. Known for her engaging and relevant presentations, she has expertise in the pedagogy of co-teaching.